IPTV IN UK – Superior IPTV service

IPTV Installation: Step by Step Configurations for Top Quality entertainment

IPTV Installation – Dive into the world of effortless entertainment with our comprehensive IPTV in UK installation guide. Unlock the full potential of IPTV with expert advice and step-by-step instructions designed specifically for users in the UK. Enhance your viewing experience as we guide you through the hassle-free setup process, ensuring easy access to high-quality channels. Explore the possibilities and embark on a journey to enhanced entertainment today!

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IPTV installation:

How to Install IPTV Smarters Pro on FireStick

Since we are going to load Smart IPTV on FireStick, we must first enable the Applications from Unknown Sources security option in the FireStick settings. Follow the steps below:

1. You need to be on the FireStick home screen. Select FIND.

IPTV subscription Smart TV

2. Now, click on Search.

IPTV subscription Box and Mag

3. In the search window, look for the app called Downloader. This is the app through which we will load Smart IPTV on FireStick. Follow the on-screen instructions and install this app. For the detailed guide, read how to sideload apps on FireStick with Downloader.

install smart iptv on fire stick

4. After installing the Downloader app, go back to the home screen and select Settings.

how to install smart iptv on Firestick

5. In Settings, go to the My Fire TV option and open it.

smart iptv

How to Install Smart IPTV on FireStick

Since we are going to load Smart IPTV on FireStick, we must first enable the Apps from Unknown Sources security option in the FireStick settings. Follow the steps below: 1. You need to be on the FireStick home screen. Select FIND. find 2. Now, click on Search. click Search 3. In the search window, look for the app called Downloader. This is the app through which we will load Smart IPTV on FireStick. Follow the on-screen instructions and install this app. For the detailed guide, read how to sideload apps on FireStick with Downloader. install smart iptv on fire stick 4. After installing the Downloader app, go back to the home screen and select Settings. how to install smart iptv on Firestick 5. In Settings, go to the My Fire TV option and open it. smart iptv 6. Now, the next option you will access is Developer Options.
Note: If you don’t see the developer options, go to Settings > My Fire TV > About. Now, select Fire TV Stick and click on it seven times to activate the developer options.
smart iptv for Firestick 7. In the window that opens next, go ahead and click on Install Unknown Apps. Note: If you still have the old version of the FireStick interface, click on Apps from Unknown Sources. install unknown app 8. Turn the ON option for the Downloader app. smart iptv Once you have enabled Apps from Unknown Sources, you can start installing the Smart IPTV app on FireStick. Here are the steps: 9. You can now open the Downloader app. Some prompts will appear when you run it for the first time. Ignore them by choosing the appropriate options. When the next screen of the app appears, click on the highlighted text area in the image below. smart iptv on firestick 15 10. Now, simply type the following path/URL in this popup window with the on-screen keyboard: https://www.firesticktricks.com/smart OR, you can also enter the shorter version: firesticktricks.com/smart Click OK 11. Wait for the Smart IPTV APK to download onto your FireStick device. smart iptv on firestick 15 1 12. The Downloader app will automatically run the Smart IPTV APK for you. Go ahead and click on Install. how to install smart iptv on firestick 1 13. Let the Smart IPTV app install on FireStick. It takes a minute. 14. Once the app is downloaded, the following window appears stating App installed. We will open and use the app in the next section. Let’s click on DONE, delete the Smart IPTV APK from storage, and save space. how to install smart iptv on firestick 3 15. Click on Delete now. how to install smart iptv on firestick 4 16. Click on Delete again to delete the APK file. Great! You now have the Smart IPTV app installed.

How to Use Smart IPTV on FireStick

Open the Smart IPTV app on FireStick. Here is the window you will see on first run. how to install smart iptv on firestick 11 Smart IPTV offers a 7-day trial period. You can use the MAC address provided on the screen on my.siptv.app (redirecting to https://siptv.app/mylist/) in a computer or mobile browser to start your free trial. This screen also displays remote control functions.
  • As I mentioned earlier, Smart IPTV is a paid service that costs a one-time fee of about 5.49 EUR or 6.05 USD. There are NO recurring fees. It is a one-time fee.
  • Additionally, Smart IPTV DOES NOT provide ANY channels. You must already have channels from an IPTV subscription.
You can activate the Smart IPTV service on https://siptv.app/activation/ Make sure to activate BEFORE the trial period expires. Otherwise, you will lose your playlist, and you will have to add it again. If you wish to migrate your playlists, make sure to use the same MAC address with which you started the 7-day trial period. You need to go to the following address (on mobile or computer) to start the trial: https://siptv.app/mylist You will see the following webpage: smart iptv amazon firestick

How to Use Smart IPTV on FireStick

Note: If you don’t know how to access your installed apps, please refer to the following section. Open the Smart IPTV app on FireStick. Here is the window you will see on first run. how to install and use smart iptv on firestick Smart IPTV offers a 7-day trial period. You can use the MAC address provided on the screen on my.siptv.app (redirecting to https://siptv.app/mylist/) in a computer or mobile browser to start your free trial. This screen also displays remote control functions.
  • As I mentioned earlier, Smart IPTV is a paid service that costs a one-time fee of about 5.49 EUR or 6.05 USD. There are NO recurring fees. It is a one-time fee.
  • Additionally, Smart IPTV DOES NOT provide ANY channels. You must already have channels from an IPTV subscription.
You can activate the Smart IPTV service on https://siptv.app/activation/ Make sure to activate BEFORE the trial period expires. Otherwise, you will lose your playlist, and you will have to add it again. If you wish to migrate your playlists, make sure to use the same MAC address with which you started the 7-day trial period. You need to go to the following address (on mobile or computer) to start the trial: https://siptv.app/mylist You will see the following webpage: smart iptv set up on firestick Enter the MAC address and use one of the following options to import the playlist:
  • File (from your local device).
  • URL: M3U or TXT playlist URL provided by your IPTV service provider.
  • EPG: EPG URL provided by your IPTV service provider.
You can add multiple playlists from multiple IPTV service providers. When you have successfully added a functional playlist, you will see the channel list on the Smart TV FireStick app.

How to Access Smart IPTV on FireStick

I am adding this section separately to help you access Smart IPTV or other installed apps on FireStick. If you are an experienced user, you might already know how to do this. If you are new and don’t know how to do it, keep reading. FireStick offers several ways to access installed apps. 1. You can go to Settings >> Applications >> Manage Installed Applications >> Smart IPTV >> Launch Application OR 2. You can press and hold the Home button on the remote for a few seconds. A pop-up window appears. Choose Applications.


Comment installer IPTV Smarters pro sur FireStick

Puisque nous allons charger le Smart IPTV sur FireStick, nous devons d’abord activer l’option de sécurité Apps from Unknown Sources dans les paramètres FireStick. Suivez les étapes ci-dessous :

1. Vous devez être sur l’écran d’accueil de FireStick. Sélectionner FIND.


2. Maintenant, cliquez sur Rechercher.

click Search

3. Dans la fenêtre de recherche, recherchez l’application appelée Downloader. Il s’agit de l’application à travers laquelle nous allons charger Smart IPTV sur FireStick. Suivez les instructions qui apparaissent à l’écran et installez cette application. Pour le guide détaillé, lisez how to sideload apps on FireStick with Downloader.

install smart iptv on fire stick

4. Après avoir installé l’application Downloader, revenez à l’écran d’accueil et sélectionnez Settings.

how to install smart iptv on Firestick

5. Dans Paramètres, accédez à l’option My Fire TV et ouvrez-le.

smart iptv

6. Maintenant, la prochaine option à laquelle vous accéderez est Developer Options.

Remarque : Si vous ne voyez pas les options du développeur, accédez à Settings > My Fire TV > About.
Maintenant, sélectionnez Fire TV Stick et cliquez dessus sept fois pour activer les options de développement.

smart iptv for Firestick

7. Dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre ensuite, continuez et cliquez sur Install Unknown Apps.

Remarque : Si vous disposez toujours de l’ancienne version de l’interface FireStick, cliquez sur Applications provenant de sources inconnues.

intall unknown app

8. Activez l’option ON pour l’application Downloader.

smart iptv

Une fois que vous avez activé les applications provenant de sources inconnues, vous pouvez commencer à installer l’application Smart IPTV sur FireStick. Voici les étapes :

9. Vous pouvez maintenant ouvrir l’application Downloader. Certaines invites s’afficheront lorsque vous l’exécuterez pour la première fois. Ignorez-les en choisissant les options appropriées. Lorsque l’écran suivant de l’application apparaît, cliquez sur la zone de texte en surbrillance dans l’image ci-dessous.

smart iptv on firestick 15

14. Tapez app.flixapp.tv et sélectionnez le bouton Go .

flix url

15. Le téléchargeur commencera à télécharger le fichier APK à partir du Web.

16. Vous serez invité une fois le téléchargement terminé. Sélectionner Install

install flix apk

C’est ça. Vous avez installé avec succès Flix IPTV sur votre FireStick. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez maintenant supprimer le fichier APK de votre appareil.

Comment utiliser Flix IPTV sur FireStick

Comme je l’ai mentionné ci-dessus, Flix IPTV est simplement un lecteur IPTV qui peut lire le contenu des services/fournisseurs IPTV. Par défaut, vous ne trouverez aucun contenu à diffuser dans l’application. Vous devrez intégrer les services IPTV en utilisant vos informations de connexion avant de pouvoir créer une playlist. Suivez les étapes ci-dessous.

1. Accédez à la page d’accueil de votre FireStick et faites défiler jusqu’à Vos applications et jeux.

2. Faites défiler jusqu’à Flix IPTV et sélectionnez l’application pour l’ouvrir.

3. Dans le menu de gauche, accédez à Paramètres. 

select flix settings

4. Dans le menu suivant, faites défiler jusqu’à User Account.

select user account

5. Sur l’écran Compte utilisateur, prenez note du Mac address.

flix mac address

6. Ouvrez un navigateur Web sur votre ordinateur ou votre téléphone et accédez à l’adresse suivante : https://flixiptv.eu/mylist

7. Cette page Flix vous demandera de renseigner l’adresse Mac et le lien URL du service IPTV. Lorsque vous vous abonnez à un service IPTV, celui-ci enverra les informations de connexion et une URL, parfois appelée lien M3U, à l’adresse e-mail que vous avez utilisée pour vous inscrire. Cela ressemblera à l’exemple ci-dessous :


8. Après avoir ajouté les informations, cliquez sur le bouton Envoyer et vous êtes prêt à partir.

add mac address and url

9. Ouvrez Flix IPTV sur votre FireStick et vous verrez le fournisseur IPTV connecté dans l’application.

flix movie


IPTV Smarters Player is considered one of the best IPTV players for Samsung Tizen OS, unlike other apps, it comes with the simplest user interface and its features will let you enjoy an enhanced streaming experience compared to other IPTV players.

Fortunately, IPTV Smarters Pro is still available from the Samsung APP Store. You won’t need to follow any extra steps to download it, like Smart IPTV, which is an example of a popular IPTV player for Samsung that was removed without notice.

Part 1 Download/install IPTV Smarters from the Samsung App Store

before you start looking for this app on your device, keep in mind that this app, according to the developer, is only available on the US online store and that you must first change your TV’s location in the settings in order to find it.

Changing your TV’s location isn’t a difficult task at all, all you have to do is go to settings and search for country or location settings, click on it and choose USA.

After that, search for IPTV Smarters Player and click on install.


Part 2: Connect to your IPTV provider


How to Install the FLIX IPTV App on Smart TVs (Samsung/LG) Flix IPTV is an IPTV player like Smart IPTV but more stable, allowing you to stream content. The app does not offer its own content, so you need a playlist or an m3u link, which means an IPTV subscription. Flix IPTV is an interesting and stable app, even with large playlists, making it worth using on your Smart TV.

Flix IPTV Features:

Flix IPTV offers a variety of useful features. The features listed below can be found by accessing the app’s settings.
  1. Multiple language support:
Users can choose from over 17 languages. Simply go to Settings and select “Change Language.”
  1. Multiple themes:
Don’t like the default Flix IPTV theme? You can choose a new one by going to Settings and then Change Theme.
  1. External player support:
You can select MX Player and VLC Player as external players within the app. Go to Settings, then select External Players. * This option is available for Android and iOS devices.
  1. Customize subtitles:
It is very rare for an IPTV player to offer subtitle customization. Flix IPTV is one of those rare apps. Go to Settings, then Subtitle Settings to modify the size, color, and background of your subtitles. Other features of Flix IPTV include creating favorite lists, changing servers or playlists as it supports adding multiple playlists, hiding specific content categories in channels or movies and series, etc.

Devices Supported by Flix IPTV

Below is the list of devices on which you can install the Flix IPTV app:
  • Samsung Smart TV
  • LG WebOS
  • Android TV, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV or FireStick.
Installing Flix IPTV is easy like any other application, just go to the application store and search for it by name on Smart TV or Android TV and Apple TV. The app is not in the Amazon Apps store. You can install the app on your Fire TV device by typing flixiptv.cc/flix.apk in the Downloader app or in the URL field of your device’s browser.

How to Set Up Flix IPTV?

We will now show you how to set up your subscription on the Flix IPTV app using your m3u link. 1. Once the app is installed, launch it to display its MAC address on the screen. flix iptv mac address If you didn’t write down the MAC address, you can find it by going to the left menu, accessing Settings, and in the next menu, scrolling to User Account. mac address flix iptv 2. Go to the link: https://flixiptv.eu/mylist 3. Fill in the required information, the MAC address, and your m3u link, then click Submit. setup flix iptv 4. The last step is to restart the app or refresh the list in Settings > Edit Playlist. A window will appear asking you to reload the list, click OK.

How to Activate Flix IPTV?

Flix IPTV is like other Smart TV apps (SET IPTV, NET IPTV, Smart STB, etc.) it offers a 7-day free trial, after which you will need to pay 7.99 EUR to activate it for life on a single device or TV. Here is the link to the activation page: https://flixiptv.eu/activation flix iptv activation

Samsung a suspendu l’application du Samsung Apps Store. DO NOT désinstallez-le,
si vous souhaitez que l’application déjà installée continue de fonctionner sur votre téléviseur.

Vous pouvez installer manuellement l’application en utilisant les options suivantes :

Tizen TVs (J/K/M/N/Q/R/T):

Abonnement iptv Smart TV

Extrayez (décompressez) le contenu du fichier Tizen Widget suivant à la racine de la clé USB (format FAT32) et insérez-le dans le port USB de votre téléviseur. Assurez-vous que le répertoire userwidget se trouve à la racine de votre clé USB. L’application apparaîtra sur l’écran Mes applications parmi d’autres applications. Vous pouvez ensuite retirer la clé USB de votre téléviseur (sauf la série J).

Sur les téléviseurs Tizen de la série J, vous pouvez essayer de désactiver Menu -> Smart Hub -> Mise à jour automatique de l’application pour éviter de perdre l’application à chaque redémarrage du téléviseur. Sinon, aucune solution n’est disponible.

non-Tizen TVs (E/ES/F/H/J4/J52):

Android TV

Extrayez (décompressez) le contenu du fichier Orsay Widget suivant à la racine de la clé USB (format FAT32) et insérez-le dans le port USB de votre téléviseur. Le répertoire SmartIPTV doit se trouver à la racine de votre clé USB. L’application apparaîtra sur un écran Samsung Apps parmi d’autres applications. Vous pouvez ensuite retirer la clé USB de votre téléviseur (pas sur tous les modèles de téléviseur).

Vous pouvez également utiliser l’adresse IP du serveur de synchronisationip installer en utilisant developer mode.

Important! L’application ne fonctionne PAS sur les téléviseurs de la série D ou les anciens téléviseurs Samsung.

Instructions pour la liste de lecture

Tout d’abord, jetez un œil aux exemples de playlist suivants ci-dessous pour avoir une idée de la structure de la playlist.

M3U exemple de liste de lecture: http://siptv.app/lists/example.m3u
TXT exemple de liste de lecture: http://siptv.app/lists/example.txt (ancienne méthode)

Utilisation du format de liste de lecture M3U (extension de fichier .m3u)

Les attributs suivants sont également pris en charge dans les playlists M3U :

  • tvg-id – code de chaîne de EPG code table
  • tvg-name – nom de la chaîne de EPG code table
  • group-title – groupe de canaux
  • parent-code – code parent du groupe
  • audio-track – ISO 639-1 code de piste audio (LG uniquement, voir codes table)
  • tvg-logo – chemin d’accès au logo de la grande chaîne, la hauteur minimale doit être de 48 px
  • tvg-logo-small – chemin d’accès au petit logo du canal carré, la hauteur minimale doit être de 48 px (fonctionne uniquement dans les dernières versions de l’application)
  • timeshift, tvg-rec – timeshift availability pour une chaîne spécifique
Android TV

How to Install XCIPTV Player on Android Devices for an IPTV Subscription

1) Unlock your Android device and go to Play Store (Google Play). 2) Search for XCIPTV Player in the Google Play Store. iptv android tv 3) Select Install to install XCIPTV Player on your Android device. 4) Launch the IPTV player. application iptv android 5) You have successfully installed XCIPTV APK on your device! Enter your IPTV service login information and click on Login when finished. iptv on android tv 6) Done! Enjoy IPTV on Android. XCIPTV Player for iptv on android tv
Having an Android TV or box (this includes TV sticks like MI Box, Firestick…) is the ultimate hardware setup for IPTV as it gives you total freedom regarding the IPTV players to use. IPTV Smarters Pro is, in my opinion, the best free IPTV player and installer you can use because it has a simple and elegant user interface and offers many premium features for free. In this article, you will learn how to install and configure IPTV Smarters Pro on your Android TV/BOX to stream IPTV.


Regardless of the device you use, you need to follow 3 essential steps. 1- Get an IPTV subscription: if you haven’t done so yet, you can check out this article where I explained how to choose the best IPTV provider for your needs. 2- A VPN subscription: in most cases, this is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to check this guide to know which are the best VPN services for IPTV streaming and why you should use one. 3- Install an IPTV player and connect to your IPTV provider: this is what you will learn in this guide.

FIRST STEP: Install IPTV Smarters Pro on your Android TV

Most of the time, you just need to search for it in the Play Store and click on Install. But from my experience, IPTV players can be removed from the Play Store (temporarily or permanently), which is why I also explained how you can sideload IPTV apps onto your device using the Downloader app. First, try to search for IPTV Smarters Pro in the Play Store. If you find it, skip the following steps and go directly to the second step where I explained how to configure this app. But if at the time you are reading this article, IPTV Smarters Pro has been removed from the Play Store, you can refer to this guide on how to sideload IPTV apps on your Android TV using the Downloader app.
installer iptv smarters pro sur votre android


What I like most about IPTV Smarters Pro is the onboarding experience, making it very intuitive and fast. 1- Open the app Look for the app icon on your Android TV Box and click on it to open the app. 2- Accept the terms Like any other app, you will need to accept the terms before using it. Just click OK.
IPTV smarters pro terms
3- Connect using the Xtream Codes API IPTV Smarters Pro offers many options to connect to their server, the most common being m3u and the Xtream Codes API. I prefer using Xtream Codes because it is much faster. Just click on Xtream Codes API as shown in the screenshot below.
IPTV Smarters Pro choose Xtream Codes
4- Fill in the information your provider sent you. When you subscribe to an IPTV provider, they will send you your account details, which are essentially a special link with your account username and password to connect to their server. They may also send the Xtream Codes; if not, you can easily extract them from the m3u link as shown below. The m3u link always comes like this: http://line.iptvdomain.com/get.php?username=XXXXX&password=XXXXX&type=m3u You will notice that this link has a username=XXXXX and a password=XXXXX (in your case, it will be a series of random numbers and letters) Copy and paste them into the Xtream Codes connection alongside the server URL, which is the first part of the link: http://line.iptvdomain.com Of course, your provider will give you a different link, so make sure to use the one they provided and not the one I write here. After filling out the form, click Add User.
IPTV Smarters Pro Xtream Codes Login
5- Enjoy your time 🙂 Once your IPTV player has downloaded the channels, you will see a dashboard like this where you can browse all the content your provider has given you access to (Live TV, movies, series…)
IPTV smarters pro installation

How to Set Up IPTV Smarters Pro on Apple TV

What I like most about IPTV Smarters Pro is not just the easy-to-use interface or the premium features offered for free, but its flexibility that allows me to use it on most devices and enjoy IPTV streaming in a familiar user interface.

How to Install IPTV Smarters Pro on Apple TV?

Since this app is still available on the App Store, you won’t need to sideload it like we do on Android devices. All you have to do is open the App Store and search for IPTV-Smarters Player, click on Install, and that’s it—you now have the IPTV player on your device. All that’s left is to connect to your IPTV provider to access the channels.

How to Configure IPTV Smarters Pro with My IPTV Provider

The IPTV Smarters Player app makes connecting to your IPTV provider a simple task. Follow the steps below to successfully connect to your IPTV provider. Note: If you don’t already have a subscription with an IPTV provider, I highly recommend checking out this guide on how to choose the best IPTV provider for your needs. I’ve also included some recommendations on the providers I’m currently using. 1- Open the IPTV Smarters Player To start the setup, look for the app you just installed on your Apple TV. It’s called IPTV Smarters. Click on the app icon to open it. 2- Accept the Terms of Use If this is your first time using this app, you will see a notice asking you to accept the terms of use before using the player. Just click on Accept.
IPTV smarters pro terms
3- Choose Xtream Codes API After accepting the terms, you will see the login dashboard, which will give you the option to connect to your IPTV provider using the method of your choice. I recommend using the Xtream Codes API because it is faster when it comes to updating the channel list and the EPG is integrated.
IPTV smarters pro connect
4- Enter Your Account Details Most IPTV providers will send you the m3u link and the EPG link. If you don’t see the Xtream Codes API, don’t worry because you can easily extract it from the m3u link using this method. Your provider will give you a link that looks like this: http://line.iptvdomain.com/get.php?username=XXXXX&password=XXXXX&type=m3u
  • URL: is the first part: http://line.iptvdomain.com/
  • Username: is the XXXXX after ?username=, in your case, it will be random characters
  • Password: the same as the username XXXXX part after &password=
Before clicking on Add User, make sure to check if you made a typo, because if you missed a letter or a number, you won’t be able to connect to the server.
IPTV smarters pro login details
5- Wait for the App to Load Channels If you have entered everything correctly, the IPTV player will start downloading the channels, which will take 1 to 4 minutes depending on your connection speed.
Downloading Channels Movies and Series iptv smarters pro
6- Click on Live TV and Start Browsing Once IPTV Smarters has finished downloading the channels, you will be redirected to the app’s dashboard where you can access the content. As you can see in the image below, everything is well organized, and you can access both Live TV and VOD (series and movies) if your provider has given you access to them.
IPTV smarters pro interface
How to Set Up IPTV on Apple / iOS with Smarters Player Lite
IPTV INSTALLATION: Step 1: Start by downloading the Smarters Player Lite app from the Apple Store via this URL: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/smarters-player-lite/id1628995509 or you can search for it on the App Store. Install the app on your iOS device. Step 2: Open the app once downloaded and enter the login information. login Step 3: Enter the login information provided to you after subscribing to our service. Now click on “ADD USER” to proceed to the next section. You will receive all the information in the section via email. Step 4: Wait a few seconds. Step 5: Now click on the “Live TV” icon as shown in the image with a red arrow. Dashboard Step 6: You now need to select the channel group you want to watch and proceed to the next section. Step 7: You now need to click on the channel name and then double-click on the small screen to switch to full screen in the final step. Step 8: To add an EPG, it is not necessary to add an EPG URL, just click on “Install EPG.” Done, Enjoy your IPTV Subscription Box and Mag
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